Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"C" is for Chamomile

Benefits of Chamomile
Peter Rabbit's mother gave him chamomile tea when he was feeling ill, and maybe your mother brewed you a cup of this soothing herbal remedy to help ease your tummy troubles too. Chamomile is, indeed, an excellent choice for stomachaches. Chamomile is a calming herbal remedy for upset stomach, cramps, and the stomach flu.

Uses of Chamomile
Chamomile has been found to contain fairly strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory constituents and is particularly effective in treating stomach and intestinal cramps.
Chamomile (typically the tops gathered in the early stages of flowering), reduces cramping and spastic pain in the bowels. It is often used to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and gastroenteritis (what we usually call stomach flu). Chamomile is also an excellent calming agent, well suited for irritable babies and restless children. Best of all, most children tolerate its taste.
Chamomile also can help a child fall asleep. Chamomile is calming to adults as well, but don't hesitate to sip it throughout the day -- its relaxing effects do not interfere with activities such as driving a car or completing difficult tasks, as is the case with prescription sedatives. Chamomile is an ideal choice for those with ulcers or other stomach problems aggravated by anxiety. Muscle pain that results from stress and worry is another indication for chamomile. Twitching and tics in muscles may respond to chamomile tea or other chamomile medications.
Chamomile is valued as an antimicrobial agent. A German study found that the herb inactivates bacterial toxins. Small quantities of chamomile oil inhibit staphylococcal and streptococcal strains of bacteria. You can drink chamomile tea combined with other antimicrobials, such as thyme, echinacea, and goldenseal, for internal infections. You can use chamomile topically, too, to treat infections and inflammations.

Chamomile Preparations and Dosage
Although the plant contains not a hint of blue, chamomile contains a potent, volatile oil that is a brilliant blue when isolated. This oil, called chamazulene (after its dark azure color), has strong anti-inflammatory actions. Apply a preparation made from its volatile oil to skin infections, or apply cloths soaked in strong chamomile tea to eczema patches and other inflamed skin surfaces.
Small children with eczema, bug bites, or diaper rash may take a bath of warm chamomile and oatmeal: Put 4 tablespoons chamomile flowers and 1/2 cup oatmeal in a "knee-high" stocking, and tie the open end of the stocking with a rubber band. Place this herb-filled stocking under the spigot as you fill the tub. Let your children play in the bath as usual; the chamomile and oats will decrease their itch significantly. Remember to remove the herb-filled stocking before letting the water down the drain.
To make a simple serving of chamomile tea, steep 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers per cup of water for 15 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup up to five times a day for digestive problems.

To brew an all-purpose stomach tea useful for nausea, spastic colon, irritable bowel, ulcers, and colitis, use the recipe below. You'll need:

  • Chamomile flowers
  • Licorice root, shredded
  • Fennel seeds
  • Peppermint

Combine equal parts of dry herbs, and steep 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink two or more cups a day, as needed for gastrointestinal problems.
This tea is quick acting, even for long-standing problems. You should notice effects within several hours for acute ailments and within several days for chronic conditions, such as an ulcer.

Chamomile Side Effects
Most people tolerate chamomile well, although if you're allergic to ragweed, you may experience allergic symptoms after using chamomile. (That's because ragweed and chamomile are part of the same plant family.)
You don't need to use chamomile strictly for medicinal purposes. It can be drunk as a beverage, even by the young and elderly. Many herbalists advise pregnant women to avoid using any herbs they don't really need, but chamomile is safe during both pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Teething-Baby Herbal Tea
You may give chamomile to teething infants to calm them and reduce gum inflammation.
If a child will not drink chamomile tea from a bottle or take it from a spoon, soak a cloth in 1/2 cup of strong chamomile tea to which you've added two drops of clove oil. Place the cloth in the freezer for 20 minutes, then give to the baby to chomp on.