Recently, the weather changed from warm to chilly, and I was reminded that, even though we can do our very best to stay healthy, we may still catch a cold every now and again.
Oftentimes, a “cold” will settle in the upper respiratory system–congesting the lungs and making it difficult to breathe. This can be very distressing for a mother, especially if the child suffering with this condition is very young. (I remember when my kids were babies how I wanted to cough for them when they had a cold!)
Several years ago, a very good friend gave me a wonderful recipe for a mustard pack - a simple, non-toxic remedy for clearing the lungs of congestion. The active ingredient in this recipe is mustard—a common, but strong and stimulating herb. Mustard can be used as a plaster for lungs that have been made stiff and sore from coughing, loosening them up and helping the body to expel congestion.
Mustard Pack
• 2 heaping tablespoons white flour
• 2 level tablespoons dry mustard powder (the best and least expensive way to buy this is at your local health food store or food co-op)
• 2 extra large eggs
Beat the eggs and mix together with the other ingredients to form a sloppy paste. On top of an old dishtowel, use the paste to make a 3x3 inch square. Cover this with plastic wrap and place on the chest for 20 minutes and then check the skin beneath the mustard pack. If it has taken on a bright red color, the mustard pack has done its job and can be removed. If the skin has not changed color, it’s possible that the mustard you are using has lost its potency. When you purchase powdered mustard, make sure it is pungent! Otherwise, it will not produce the desired effect.
If you or someone in your family becomes ill with congestion, try using this remedy three times a day - once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. I have found it to work very well without any worrisome side effects!
*Please understand that this column is not intended to diagnose or prescribe in any way. Its purpose is to inform and to help you.